아래글은 저희도 약 2주 전쯤에 보았는데, 이제는 한인 사범님들 페북 페이지에서 확실하게 더 퍼지고 있는 것 같습니다.
이 글대로만 본다면, 그렇게 염려하던 후 경제제재 폭풍이 다가온다는 얘기 입니다.
그렇게 떠들썩 하던 각종 조직, 단체들이 조용히 있을게 아니라 뭔가를 해야 하지 않냐는 생각도 얼핏 해 봤지만, 모두들 살아가느라 바쁘신거 알기에 이해가 됩니다.
그렇더라도, 부디 용기를 잃지 마시고, 힘내시길 바랍니다.
(오늘 뉴스에 러시아에서 백신이 개발 되었다고 하네요)
Victoria's Secret declared bankruptcy. Zara closed 1,200 stores. Chanel, Hermes and Rolex have stopped production. Nike is getting ready for stage two of layoffs. AirBnb founder says that due to the pandemic, 12 years of effort were destroyed in 6 weeks.
Starbucks announced the permanent closure of 400 stores.
And the list continues...
Five months since the pandemic started and it has created huge debts, many of our friends and family are out of work and unemployed with tens of thousands of businesses now out of service.
If the company you work for continues, no pay reduction or layoffs then treat it well and have respect for what the owner(s) must be going through to keep it going.
2020 is about survival, leave the daily complaints/moans and anything else minor behind, be thankful and show respect for what you have. Work hard and show your boss/owner/company the appreciation they need and deserve.
*copied from elsewhere let’s spread it.